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PA Pre-Orientation Page

Congratulations on your upcoming assignment!

USN and our partner facility would like to thank you for your service and commitment by agreeing to work this assignment.

IMPORTANT: Please pay close attention to and follow the steps outlined below to complete your pre-orientation curriculum and modules prior to your assigned in-person orientation. You must complete all required reading, corresponding test and module curriculum outlined in steps one thru four.

The estimated time to complete steps one thru four on this page is 7.5 hours. If you selected to "Test Out of Epic" on your survey, the estimated time to complete steps one thru four on this page is 8.25 hours.
Spending more time on the curriculum than the estimated time indicated will not be paid without the express authorization of USN.

Steps 1 & 2

Step 1: General Nursing Policy Pre-Orientation Review

Please click the link below to review ALL of the General Nursing Policies required for Pre-Orientation.

General Nursing Policies

Step 2: Hybrid Licensed Nurse Orientation Comprehensive Quiz

Please click the link below to complete the required Hybrid Licensed Nurse Orientation Comprehensive Quiz based on the General Nursing policies reviewed in the Pre-Orientation packet. **You must receive a score of 80% or higher to be considered passing; Please retake until desired score is achieved.**

Step 3: GOALS

GOALS Module and Testing Environment. To access platform, please follow the directions below, closely.

1. PingID is required for remote access to the GOALS Testing environment.

**Please reference the User Guide and FAQs provided and follow the instructions below**

  • Visit

  • Select "Enroll in PingID."

  • Find and download the App

  • Select "I am ready for the next step"

  • SKIP STEP 5 ON THE USERGUIDE and continue with the steps below

  • Navigate back to and reset your password utilizing the credentials (GW email and Workforce ID) provided in your pre-learning email.

  • Select ‘Password Reset'

  • Enter your username that looks like an e-mail address ending in

  • Enter your Workforce number.

  • Follow the on-screen prompts to set your password.

**Passwords must be a minimum of 10 characters, must include one uppercase character, one lowercase character, one special character, one number and cannot contain the company name, your User ID or the word "password".

2. Once you have successfully reset your password, visit to login and complete the GOALS modules assigned.

  • Your required learning will be listed under the "My Required Training: What's Due..." section.

  • Select each module and complete.

  • Content will be general, please proceed. Specialty content will be completed at Orientation.

  • Below are the ONLY courses you should be completing. If you do not see them under your "my learnings" section, please search for them and complete.

2025 Federal Deficit Reduction Act/La Ley federal de reducción del déficit
Adult Initial Pharmacology Examination
Blood Administration
Blood Borne Pathogens Acknowledgment
Bloodborne Pathogens
EMTALA - All Staff Training
EMTALA Compliance Training - MSE, Transfers and Additional Information
Epic Pump Integration for Nurses
Mobile Device Use Acknowledgement and Agreement
Pediatric Initial Pharmacology Examination
Privacy and Security Training for New Non-Employees
Social Media Policy

3. When all of your assigned modules are complete, proceed to Step 4 to sign your Attestation.

  • If you selected to TEST OUT of EPIC and you do NOT see the module listed under your "My Required Training: What's Due..." section, you will be notified once this is loaded and can be accessed.

**For Technical Assistance**

Please contact the 24hr. IT Service Desk: 570-271-8092.

You will be asked for your manager and department for verification. Please use the information below:

Manager: Megan Lamoreux

Department: Nursing Admin GWV

Step 4: Attestation of Completion

Sign the Attestation of Completion

The electronic signing of this DocuSign document is required to ensure you have completed all required policy review, testing and reading in steps one through three. Very Important: We are unable to pay for time spent completing steps one, two and three without a signed Attestation.

Step 5: FIT Testing Questionnaire

Each clinician will be required to complete FIT Testing at in-person Orientation. Please follow the steps in the link below to access and complete the questionnaire PRIOR to your Orientation arrival.

Employee ID = Workforce ID provided in your pre-learning email
