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News/Are Nurses Allowed to Strike in the US? Your Essential Guide with U.S. Nursing

Are Nurses Allowed to Strike in the US? Your Essential Guide with U.S. Nursing

August 19, 2023

Are Nurses Strikes Legal in the US? 

In the United States, the legality of a nursing strike depends on whether the nurses are part of a recognized union. For unionized nurses, legal protections are often in place, and striking is typically seen as a last resort. However, state laws can add additional layers to this issue, and it is essential to be aware of local regulations. 


What About in Non-Union States? 

The scenario changes for nurses working in non-union or “right-to-work” states. Without the protection of a union, the law may not be on your side if you decide to strike. There could be severe consequences, including loss of employment and potential legal action for negligence. 


How Can U.S. Nursing Help? 

Here's where U.S. Nursing comes into play. We are industry leaders in strike nurse staffing and specialize in managing hospital operations during strikes, ensuring the needs of both hospitals and striking nurse candidates are met with precision and empathy. 


Our expertise goes beyond logistics, as we have a deep understanding of both the legal and emotional complexities involved in strikes. We're here to support the hospital's continuity without compromising patient care, and at the same time, provide opportunities and guidance for our striking nurses.  


Are you interested in taking on a strike assignment? Click here to view strike opportunities with U.S. Nursing today. 

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